Twice But Nice society near goal
Twice But Nice society near goal
Twice But Nice Society is closer than ever to meeting its 40th anniversary goal of giving $1 million back to the community.
The downtown store saw a 20 per cent increase in sales in 2023, the society reported at its annual general meeting this week. This puts the society in good financial shape, treasurer Gail Zabolotyny said, and makes it possible to meet that big goal by 2025.
The society gave out $30,000 in grants to community groups in 2023. It also installed a cargo stair lift in the shop, and converted all lighting to LED.
Plans for 2024 include redesign of the payment counter, more paint, a revamp of the staff kitchen and workroom, an external Health and Safety Audit and a review of policies and procedures as well as staff pay.
The society also happens to have one vacant director position on the board for anyone interested.
Sturgeon Creek Post
Tuesday, April 30, 2024