Pool price sure to be hot issue
Pool price sure to be hot issue
I support building a new pool for Fort Saskatchewan.
But the cost still worries me, and I think it's starting to worry a few others, especially some on City Council.
City budget discussions just before Christmas made it clear that many people may not have fully grasped the true financial impact of a new pool. A $54 million facility costing $2.5 million annually to operate, will bump taxes up by about 10 per cent once the pool opens.
That increase was to be spread out over four years, but City Council cancelled the first year. Even spread out, this meant that the pool would have an impact on taxes about equal to inflation. Putting all the increase into one tax bill will guarantee a tax hike that year of 12 or even 15 per cent.
Note that our tax hike this year was just over five per cent and that is without a new pool impact.
This was explained when the question was put to voters this past spring, but I'm not sure everyone really understood. In any case there is no doubt to be plenty of complaining once the final tax bill is issued.
The only answer I can see is to be a careful as possible when the new pool plan is drawn up. Care must be taken to exclude anything that isn't needed, while making sure not to cut features we do need, or that will save money in the long run.
I don't envy anyone charged with this task. It won't be easy and the final result won't be perfect.
Sadly, even the best possible pool is sure to upset a lot of people, because some are still sure to think it costs too much, while others will feel it is still too small or lacking wanted features. City Council can't win on this one.
Which is just one of the reasons I don't run for City Council.
Sturgeon Creek Post
Tuesday, January 14, 2025