Fort water tower to get new look
Fort water tower to get new look
The mural may soon be gone from Fort Saskatchewan’s water tower.
City Council decided last week to replace the mural with something simpler, based on our official logo.
The mural is worn and faded, as is the rest of the paint on the water tower. It will therefore have to be replaced when the water tower is refurbished and repainted, which is set to happen this summer.
City Council was being asked last week to delay this refurbishment project in order to consult with the public over the best option for the water tower mural.
A proper public consultation will delay refurbishment of the water tower until next year.
Councillor Brian Kelly suggested simply repainting the current mural, saying “I quite like the existing mural.”
Council voted against Kelly’s motion, however, supporting the motion by Councillor Patrick Noyen to replace the mural with the City of Fort Saskatchewan logo.
An option to simply paint the water tower white for now, then put a new mural on next year following public consultation was also rejected. This would cost more, and refurbishment is not so urgent that it can’t wait a year, said Deputy City Manager Janel Smith-Duguid.
"We are confident delaying it a year will not significantly compromise the integrity of the structure."
Mayor Gale Katchur supported the decision to put the city logo on the water tower. “I’m not sure people are as tied to the mural as we think they are,” she said. “Personally, I’m for going back to basic.”
“There are going to be groups and individuals that aren’t going to be happy, no matter what we do,” agreed Councillor Gordon Harris.
Councillor Lisa Makin supported delaying the project in order to get public input into the decision, however. The mural was painted in 1995, she noted. “Life has changed and our community has diversified.”
“Although I completely support keeping it (the mural), I fully support going to our community groups,” Makin added.
The $1.3 million water tower refurbishment was approved by City Council in October. This refurbishment will allow the water tower to remain in service for another decade, after which it will be kept, but no longer in use as part of the water system.
The water tower is currently used to maintain a constant water pressure to homes during changing water demand, rather than relying on variable rate pumps at the water reservoirs. The tower will be taken out of service when the Westpark reservoir is upgraded in about 10 years time.
The water tower is now planned to remain in place even after it is taken out of service. Officials feel it is a valuable community landmark, and in any case is needed for local cell phone and emergency radio communications.
Sturgeon Creek Post
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
The 30-year-old mural on the Fort water tower shows signs of aging.